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Registration of Deaths

A death is required to be registered within 30days, however the law allows for late registration. The duty to register death lies on the following:

NB: A Doctor, nearest relatives of such person who were present at his death or in attendance during his last illness, occupier of the house , inmate of the house ,or any person taking charge of burying such person.

This services are available online click menu eRITA and obtain the services.

1: Registration of death within 30 days

    If the death occurred in hospitals, health centers and dispensaries, ensure you obtain Burial Permit. In case of a death occurring at home report to Village Executive Officer or the District Registrar of Birth and Deaths to obtain burial permit. This should be done within 30 days.
  • Submit Burial permit to District Registrar of Birth and Deaths of District within which the death occurred.
  • Pay appropriate fee  for Registration and certificate of death (duration of 30 days) - Tsh 7,000/=
  • Pay appropriate fee  for Registration and certificate of death (duration of 1 moth to  10 years) - Tsh 8,000/=

2: Late registration of deaths.

  • Submit  supporting documents (Minutes of the family meeting and Letter from relevant government authorities such as Ward Executive Officer, Village executive officer) to prove death occurance.
  • Submit the ID of the Applicant.
  • Submit introduction letter of Informant from Ward Executive Officer.
  • Pay appropriate fee( current fee rate is Tshs 20,000/=).

3: Certification of death certificates

  • Submit photocopy of the certificate to certified.
  • Pay appropriate fee ( current fee rate Tshs 6,000/=).

4: Registration of foreign death 

  • Submit  the death certificate ( from the country death occur)
  • Letter from embassy to notify RITA of the event occur in the particulary country
  • Medical certificate.
  • Pasport of deceased
  • ID of informat
  • Pay appropriate fee ( current fee rate Tshs 30,000/=).

5: To make correction on the certificate of death

  • Submit request for correction
  • Attach supporting documents
  • Surrender certificate which needs to be corrected.
  • Pay appropriate fee if application allowed( current fee rate Tshs.13,000/=)